Catechism Lectures

  1. What are the Catechism Lectures?

    The Catechism Lectures are a series of engaging talks given by Father Perricone 1-2 times per month in the following locations: Our Lady of Sorrows Church in Jersey City, New Jersey; Corpus Christi Church in South River, New Jersey; and Saint Josaphat Church in Bayside, Queens. Content of the talks include ongoing instruction on the classic Baltimore Catechism No. 3. Father typically conducts two sessions, each lasting 45-60 minutes, along with time for Q&A. There is also time for fellowship and snacks in between each session. Summer lectures include book reviews of classic Catholic authors.

  2. Who should attend?

    The lectures are designed for adults of all ages who would like to deepen their understanding of the Catholic faith, particularly the traditional teachings of Holy Mother Church. Anyone within an hour’s travel time of Our Lady of Sorrows, Corpus Christi, or Saint Josaphat will benefit greatly from the time spent.

  3. Are the lectures available online?

    The lectures are given in person only and are not available as webinars. Two lectures from 2020 (posted with permission) can be seen at the bottom of this page. 

  4. Must I attend every lecture?

    You will learn something new at each lecture, and although there is continuity from class-to-class, you will still benefit even if you cannot attend every class in a given semester.

  5. Are there tests?

    Besides the Final Judgement, there are no quizzes or tests given for the lectures!

  6. How much does it cost to attend?

    There is no formal charge for the lectures, but Free Will offerings for Father, snacks, and the printing of materials are accepted.

  7. What are the dates for lectures in the current semester?

    See the flyers below! (Click on an image to download as a PDF.)

Sample Catechism Lecture Videos