Chicago: Where Eucharistic Revival Goes to Die

Layer upon layer of Eucharistic practice was constructed over the millennia as protection against the slightest attenuation of Catholic doctrine regarding the Eucharist. For over sixty years, it has been breached.

Published in Crisis Magazine on January 2, 2025

For all its good intentions, the grand project of Eucharistic Revival is barely limping to its finish line. Applause is in order, for at least it noticed a precipitous loss of faith in the central mystery of Catholicism. But its cure was carefully wrapped in the naïve gauze that created the fatal lapse in the first place. Look at its official website: a swirl of puerile slogans, kindergarten art, and a breathtaking lack of seriousness.  

But such grave breaches of Catholic Faith deserve the thunderbolts the likes of Blessed Pius IX’s Quanta Cura and The Syllabus of Errors, not petite entreaties couched in the porous language that delivered us to these desperate straits.

But that seems to be a bridge too far. The shepherds seem to be strapped into a straitjacket created by the naivete (or malice) of Important Theologians of the past half century. One of their more ambitious projects was retooling the doctrine of the Holy Eucharist. This was then accompanied by a massive dismantling of the whole architectonic devotional ensemble which promoted piety and protected its doctrinal purity.

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